
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A year in review

It’s been so long since my last blog and I’m hoping in the year ahead to do better with keeping up to date! On Saturday, February 11th Piper will be turning 1!! The last year has been so amazing; Kevin and I feel so blessed. It’s definitely bittersweet, it’s awesome watching Piper grow and learn everyday but there are times I miss my little newborn who loved to cuddle and who was less independent.  She has become such an active, happy, goofy little girl. She absolutely loves music and has since she was only a few months old. Along with music, she loves to dance! We get such a kick out of her little dance moves and rhythm. She loves to paddy-cake, chase the dogs around the house, read her books, and go for walks among other things. Her most used words are “dog”, “dada”, “go”, “hi” and a bunch of things I haven’t figured out yet.  She is eating a lot of solids foods; ham is her favorite and anything she can feed herself. She loves Mexican- beans, rice, and avocado especially and fruits and most veggies are always a pleaser from apricots to zucchini she eats about everything (except peas!). 
The last week has been very exciting, planning Pipers birthday, but also because she started to walk! By the end of January she was taking steps then in the last week she was walking. She still crawls a lot but she can walk a good distance on her own and as she gets more confident the faster she goes! Yesterday we were walking in the yard and I started off by holding her hand and walking with her but then she was ready to do it alone and didn’t want to hold mommies hand! She is such a big girl, I can’ believe how much she has grown and changed. We have a busy spring ahead and look forward to visiting friends and family in the months to come! We have so much to be thankful for and can’t wait to see what this next year brings!


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